Our Magazine
Sustainable Home Magazine
Sustainable Home magazine was started to balance the information between “Sustainable” and “eco-friendly”. Although both are used in the conservation movement, I believe there are subtle differences in the meanings.
My explanation for the difference is eco-friendly means minimizing harm to the planet, while Sustainable means being able to bear both the cost and effort to live in harmony with nature and the planet.

As I enter my senior years, I have had more time to dwell on the impact we have on the planet. Having travelled the world and lived in four countries for an extended time including nearly 20 years in China. While watching the economic situation globally and the impact on humankind. I have seen the different lifestyles impact on the planet and how it is dealt with. The last few years while restoring 2 houses one 120 years old and the other a hundred years old. The experience has given me a different perspective on the meaning of eco-friendly and sustainability. Our site is called Sustainable Home Magazine with the realisation that eco-friendly has a cost that must be affordable to be sustainable. Our info will have Eco-friendly and Sustainable articles, with the hope that they will be both affordable and good for Global health.
John Krechting: Editor